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Succès Scolaire
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School Success

The #1 reference for personnalized tutoring in Quebec !

Over 1000 certified tutors
of students have improved their grades
Students helped
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Need tutoring support to boost grades, prevent failure, or improve study skills? School Success helps students succeed—start today! 💡

Découvrez notre offre

We accompany your children

18 years of trusted tutors & homework help

Passionate tutors, a dedicated team, and over one million hours of tutoring across Canada! We support families with care and expertise, helping every student thrive. More than a service—your partner in success.

Find my tutor

Mohamed B.


Alannis S.

Science and Mathematics

Laurent N.


Elliott K.


Jacob D.


Aradhna R.


Simon L.


Ahmed L.


Florence C.-B.

French and English

Marie H.

Secondary school admission exam preparation

Xavier A.


Catherine L.


Andrée B.


Gabriel L. F.

Mathématiques et Sciences

Félix L.


What sets us apart

1000+ experienced tutors

Our certified tutors offer expert, personalized support to help your child succeed.

Satisfaction guaranteed

If you're not fully satisfied with your session, we’ll refund the first hour.

Safe & secure learning

We verify the identity and conduct criminal background checks on all tutors to ensure a safe environment for our students.

Dedicated advisors

Our expert advisors are here to match your child with the ideal tutor, considering their unique challenges and learning goals.

Competitive rates

Our hourly rate ranges from $46 to $50, with no minimum hours required. Plus, our services are eligible for a tax credit.

Proven services

Since 2006, our team has supported over 65,000 students. We have helped 92% of our students to improve their grades.

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Our resources

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Our social impact

Our initiatives to make a difference every day

41 868$

in donations and scholarships.

14 students mentored in tutoring with the Little Giants Foundation.

+7000 $

in school supplies donated to 143 families.

133 families received a donation of school supplies.


hours of tutoring provided to young people supported by the Kidney Foundation.

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Succès Scolaire in the Media

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